Roll Up

Roll-Up is a classic Pilates exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles and improving the flexibility of the spine . The exercise is great for building core control and improving posture , as it works intensively with both abdominal muscles and back.

Correct technique

Follow these steps to perform the Roll-Up with proper technique:

  1. Start by lying flat on your back with your legs stretched out and your arms extended behind your head.
  2. Take a deep breath and raise your arms up towards the ceiling.
  3. Exhale and use your abs to slowly roll up through the spine, leading with the chin toward the chest.
  4. Roll all the way forward over your legs, stretching your arms out towards your toes without losing the tension in your stomach.
  5. To return, inhale and slowly begin to roll down, one vertebra at a time, until you are flat on the mat again.

Repeat the movement for 6-8 repetitions , making sure to keep a slow and controlled rhythm.

Common errors

To get the most out of Roll-Up and avoid injury, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Using Momentum : Don't use momentum to roll up. Instead, focus on the work of the abdominal muscles for a slow and controlled movement.
  • Back collapse : Keep the spine long and activated all the way through the exercise.
  • Too high shoulders : Be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed and down, especially when reaching forward over your legs.

Modifications and Variations

Here are some modifications and variations if you want to adapt the exercise:

  • Beginner Modification: If rolling up is difficult, you can bend the knees slightly to reduce the strain, or you can place the hands behind the knees for extra support.
  • Advanced Variation: Try doing the Roll-Up with a light weight in your hands, which will increase the challenge on your abs.

Repetitions and sets

For beginners, try 2-3 sets of 6 repetitions . For the more advanced, try 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions while keeping the movement slow and controlled.

Breathing tips

Inhale as you prepare to roll up and exhale as you roll forward over your legs. Calm and controlled breathing helps you stay focused on the core muscles.

Visual angles and tips

Observing the Roll-Up from different angles can help you master the technique:

  • Side angle: Notice how the spine rolls up and down without losing contact with the stomach.
  • Front Angle: Make sure to keep your arms straight and your body centered throughout the movement.

Demonstration video

Watch this video to learn proper technique for the Roll-Up:

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